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What Does Dietary Fiber Do for Your Body?

Dietary fiber helps you get what your body needs from your diet.

You probably pay close attention to the nutritional content of the foods you eat; you know-- vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, saturated fat, sodium, etc. One of the things that can get neglected is your fiber intake.

I know what you are thinking, “Isn’t fiber just for old people?” Well, fiber, or dietary fiber as it’s known, is for everybody. Before telling you why, here’s some information on what fiber is, and its two types.

The Two Types of Dietary Fiber

Both types of fiber, soluble and insoluble, are important for digestion, health, and disease prevention. And, of course, they encourage effective elimination.

Soluble Fiber Benefits

Soluble fiber grabs water found in your gastrointestinal tract, becomes a gel, and slows digestion. Soluble fiber can be found in grains, nuts, beans, and some fruits and vegetables. Special forms of soluble fiber, called prebiotics, serve as food for probiotics and helps them colonize.

Insoluble Fiber Benefits

Insoluble fiber increases the bulk of your stool and appears to assist food passage through your digestive system.

What is the Recommended Daily Fiber Intake

The American Heart Association suggests that we should get between 25 to 30 grams of fiber from food each day. It is estimated that adults in the US average only 15 grams per day which needs to be supplemented to reduce the “fiber gap.”

The Best Soluble Fiber Supplement

If you have a fiber gap, some of it can be made up by using our TruFiber® supplement. One scoop of TruFiber contains 3.6 grams of soluble fiber. It’s tasteless, smooth, dissolves clear, and contains no gluten, dairy, nuts, or soy—and is vegan and Non-GMO. It also contains bifidogenic enzymes.

Prebiotic Supplements

Bifidogenic enzymes break down dietary fiber into smaller molecules which are prebiotic food for, and promote the growth of, bifidobacteria in the intestinal tract. Bifidogenic enzymes create oligosaccharides which include derivatives of cellulose, starch, fructans, and galactans.

The "No Gas" Fiber Supplement

You maybe have noticed you get “gassy” when you consume soluble fiber. That rarely happens with TruFiber: The fiber contained in TruFiber (partially hydrolyzed guar gum or PHGG for short) is sized so that probiotics and other “non-gassy” bacteria (Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium species) can eat it effectively. Gas producing bacteria do not utilize Trufiber and, thus, they become less competitive with the non-gassy probiotics.

TruFiber enhances the prebiotic activity of dietary fiber! You can take it daily for maximum effect or twice weekly for maintenance. When you feel that you have a fiber gap, try TruFiber and let us know how it works for you.

If you have any questions about dietary fiber, or any of our other products, Ask Us Anything!

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